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Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Fluid Lists

The question I tend to get asked whenever I introduce myself as a film student is "So what's your favorite movie?"

I understand the question - I even like the question, it shows they're at least a little interested in what I do. The problem is that the question leads to a thirty minute conversation, and that's without me tripping over my words like I tend to do, because I don't really have a favorite movie. Or a favorite anything for that matter.

So while playing around with this blog, I discovered the "Lists" feature, and I decided to create ranked lists of my favorite movies, TV shows, and anime (my enjoyment of anime is another post, stay tuned). I call them "The Fluid Lists" because they're not set in stone - my opinion changes like the weather, and sometimes I'll play around with the order to reflect my changing moods.

I also gave myself a goal - I'm going to make a post for most of the items on my list (some of the items are self-defending; for example, I don't think I need to explain why I loved 300 unless there's a popular demand for it) and link each item to its corresponding post. I'm hoping to do one per day.

Let's see how this works out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.