About This Blog

Sunday, April 1, 2007

test one two

How does this look? Good?

Okay. I got this blog, I don't know how often I'm going to be using it (I used to dig Livejournal but that kind of tapered off, and MySpace just annoys me). I guess I'm just one of those bandwagoners who gets a blog just to say he's got a blog.

In case anybody's curious, I go to C.W. Post Film School in Long Island, and I figure that's what I'll be writing about most of the time, if/when I do write - the work I do and the life I lead in a second or third tier film school. Primarily, I write, and I have interests in editing and directing. And like any young-dumb-full-of-cum writer, I've got my "big script that will change the world" - in this case a spec TV Pilot called "Hometown Hero". I sweat blood when I'm writing it, and some days I stare at my laptop screen and wish I would've been born with an insatiable love and thirst for accounting.

I mean, shit, everybody loves a good accountant, and it's not like it's hard to get into. At least it can't be as hard as making movies for a living.

But writing's all I know. It's all I want to know. Creating characters and telling stories is what I live for and love to do and I'm told I actually have a talent for it. So why the fuck shouldn't I try?

Anyway, there's plenty to tell, it's just a matter of will to tell it. We'll see how tomorrow looks.

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